OANI Teatro

"Nadie se hace humano solo, sólo el contagio, el contacto con otros humanos nos hace humanos" Fernando Savater

OANI Teatro en Edimburg Festival FRINGE

Como parte de la comitiva chilena que marcará presencia en el evento, OANI Teatro, agrupación de Valparaíso-Chile, presentará dos de sus producciones de Teatro Lambe Lambe en Edimburg Festival Fringe, el Festival de Artes Escénicas mas importante de Europa.

Sede Presentación Teatro Lambe Lambe de #oaniteatro en #edfringe2018:

Summerhall / Summerhall Pl, Edinburgh EH9 1PL, Reino Unido Edinburgh EH9 1PL
Días: del 13 al 17 de agosto 2018
Horarios: de 11:00 a 13:00hrs y de 15:00 a 17:00hrs

Las obras de OANI Teatro escogidas para esta ocasión son AFUERA, de Camila Landon y SABIDURÍA de Adelaida Loyer.

AFUERA (técnica de manipulación de varillas): cuenta un instante en la vida de un ser humano observado por poseer una deficiencia no mayor a todas las nuestras. Este ser plasma sus sensaciones en una pintura que generosamente compartirá con los espectadores.

SABIDURÍA (Técnica de manipulación de sombras): Guiado por su instinto, un niño chino escucha el llamado a descubrir un nuevo mundo, una niña mapuche lo espera. Dos culturas en comunión potencian la sabiduría.

Gracias a la gestión de British Council Chile, Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio, DIRAC, Marca Chile, ProChile.

This show is a visual and performative intervention of space and emotions. Scenic boxes and installed to perform a miniature theatre shows for two audience each time. Outside and Wisdom are performed each 4 minutes and goes on for two hours in a row. Each show is a particular universe, a unique and unrepeatable moment. A secret to share privately. They are no spoken shows.

Title: AFUERA (Outside)
Author/puppeteer: CAMILA LANDON VÍO
Technique: Sticks
Audience: From 10 years old – for two audience per time
Music: Melody of the song “Se esta rua fosse minha”
Lighting: Juan Torres
Integral Design: OANI Teatro
Length of show time: 3`35«
Overview: It shows a moment in the life of a human being who has a handicap, no bigger than all our handicaps. This being leys down his sensations in a painting that generously will share with us.

Title: SABIDURÍA (Wisdom)
Technique: Shadows
Audience: From 8 years old – for two audience per time
Lighting: Hanz Fonck Becar
Music: Claudio Clavija
Integral Design: OANI Teatro
Length of show time: 4`30«
Overview: Guided by his instinct, a Chinese child listens the call and engages himself to discover a new world. A mapuche girl encourages him. Two cultures bringing wisdom together.

OANI Theatre began as a Theatre company in Santiago Chile in 1998, had five years of residence in Brazil and one in Australia.

Its creation was aimed to produce shows working with actors and animated forms, creating performing arts teams according the project, renewing and experimenting scenic languages to spread humanity.
Today OANI has developed 17 shows. Some of them produced independently and others, in the last 10 years, had achieved the financial support of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage, Direction of Cultural Affairs, Iberescena, Puerto Valparaíso, Bancoestado, among others. OANI has participated in more than 60 Festivals and international and National Meetings. Since 2007 comes to live in Valparaiso and became Foundation, starting to develop two big lines of work: the creation, develop, strengthening and leadership of Lambe Lambe theatre in Chile and The investigation/creation of theatre and form animation theatre in different formats. Since 2014, produces and organizes “FESTILAMBE of Valparaiso, Lambe Lambe Theatre International Festival- Chile”

Currently in repertoire:

LAMBE LAMBE FREE TRILOGY shows: Outside, Swing and Wisdom.
LAMBE LAMBE VALPARAÍSO TRILOGY, shows: Loves port, Kite day, Babarito the dog.
ELÍAS STRATEGY, a stick puppet children show for schoolroom/ lecture hall.
SOPLO, an adult show for theatre, street or alternative spaces.

Facebook: OANI Teatro
Twiter: @oaniteatro
Instagram: oaniteatro
Flickr: OANI Teatro
E-mail: fundacionoani@gmail.com
web: www.oaniteatro.com

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