OANI Teatro

"Nadie se hace humano solo, sólo el contagio, el contacto con otros humanos nos hace humanos" Fernando Savater


OANI Teatro for Anglo Chilean Society and AME, present:
A project in association to present six shows of Lambe Lambe Theater of OANI Teatro Company from Valparaíso, Chile.

Date Time: Dec 17, 2020 / 06:00 PM London
Register HERE and you will be able to participate in an unpublished sample in English of six shows from Teatro Lambe Lambe de la Cia OANI Teatro.

Registrate AQUI y podrás participar de una muestra inédita en inglés de seis espectáculos de Teatro Lambe Lambe de la Cia OANI Teatro
Fecha: 17 de diciembre 15:00hrs Chile

‘Lambe Lambe’ by OANI
The «Lambe Lambe» are miniature animation theatre shows inside small boxes which represent, in 3 to 5 minutes, secret worlds, bringing to the viewer a sensory and emotional experience of connection, a form of relationship that can only come from other human beings.

The target audience is families, children, women and men of all ages and social backgrounds.

DATE 17th December
TIME 18:00 London Time

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